Bringing awareness to the people about the Information technology was the main aim behind implementing this KIOSK. We had earlier purchased 2 such machines from kanoe Softwares Ltd. We have now added 30 more and implemented at tourist spots, Bus Stations, Railways stations, Municipalties and other public places successfully and got tremendous response from rural population and tourists with a feedback of implementing more such kiosks in all the villages & towns in the district.
A.A.Biswas, District Commissioner, Bellary
Biometric Attendance System integrated with HR & Payroll, Implemented in Axis Sales, A Subsidiary of Axis Bank Ltd.
With reference to our purchase order No. AXIS/CO/PO/PROJ/032/2007-08 dated, October 22, 2007, we are pleased to inform you that the installation of Biometric Finger print based Time and attendance server client application systems are delivered installed successfully in our various branches across the country. That helped us to save at least 30% on our payroll cost.
The training for the same is also completed. Overall performance is satisfactory and up to the mark.
SS Ramanathan
Head-Business Operations
Axis Bank Ltd.
KANOE SOFTWARES Pvt. Ltd. had under taken the project related to security system referred to the order no:
TCU/1545/3/Lgs and other extensions, where the scope of the project was to integrate RFID smartcard based sensors with other equipments/systems like CCTV, boom barrier, other access points which opens to data/resources with a compatible centrally controlled software system provided by them. This system has the ability to track and locate human as well as materials in our base from main guard room to head quarter command.They also have implemented RFID based Coffee vending machine and integrated the same with our Airmen Payroll.
The project was completed successfully and all the vulnerabilities were closed. The project was found to be satisfactory.
S S Sudhakaran, Security Officer
H.Q Training Command.
Indian Air Force.
IoT based Solid waste Management is implemeneted in Bellary Municipal Corporation
As per the instruction given by DC, We have floated the tender for implementing smart solidwaste management system in the the district municipal corporation and awarded the project to Kanoe Softwares Ltd, They have successfully, delivered the RFID, GPS, GPRS, Hand held POS and Mobile Apps based Solid waste management system in Bellary where the software dashboard is implemented on cloud that is integrated with various data capturing unit to ensure that the solid waste is picked up from every house and dumped in the right dumping ground outside the city limit to further ensure a healthy, hygenic , and clean Bellary.
The system further gives the track record of driver's driving behaviour, fuel consumed, ward covered, etc.
D.L.Narayan, City Corporation commissioner, Bellary