IT Urbanization and Rural Development is a persistent challenge everywhere, whether in advanced industrial economies or in less developed settings. To reach benefits of scientific and technological advancements to the rural sector by giving technical back-up for the sustainable rural development through IT technologies and tailored applications ensures holistic development for the nation.
Expanding access to appropriate technologies in rural communities in India/Africa is vital to ensure equitable socio-economic development and as a strategy of putting peripheries on a more equal footing with the center.
Kanoe’s public information system is designed, based on the research and surveys done by our engineers in association with the rural population, social workers and government.
It’s a continuous endeavor where we run a research oriented program to improve our public information system to accommodate change in every stages to make it a flexible and scalable system and customise it as per the current requirement. .
Our kiosks are designed to be more energy efficient, cost effective, easily manageable and of low maintenance.
The overall design of our IT services, security and E-governance applications renders effective connectivity between the district and the villages, ensuring an uninterrupted flow of information processing and storage, as well as greater control and monitoring in various administrative matters.