Integrated ATM Booth Security & Power Management System
Kanoe 360i’ is an end to end IP based integrated module of multiple security and power management sub modules best suits for small to large ATM rooms.
Sub Modules
1) Surveillance
2) Security Alarm & Fire Detection
3) Energy Monitor & Control
4) Voice communication & Remote Viewing
Surveillance Module: Comprises of 4 channel system with Day-Night HD cameras with IP compatible remote viewing system with local recording of backup of 100 days.
Security Alarm & Fire Detection: Comprises of contact sensors minimum 4 numbers, Panic button, Motion sensor, Light sensor, Siren, Temperature sensor, Smoke and Fire detector, AC's temperature control (Individual AC, upto 4 numbers ), provision for another 4 sensor respected to future integration
Energy Monitor & Control: Energy monitoring cum Remote switch On / Off
EMR for entire site / ATM booth
Energy usages of ATM machine
Energy usages of lights of inside ATM
Energy usages of AC ( upto 4 numbers)
Energy usages of Glow sin board ( Times based
control required )
Energy usages of back side room
Energy usages of ATM canday
Voice communication & Remote Viewing: Comprises of Two way Voice and automatic reporting system also has remote viewing through 2mbps /3G/4G 3rd party broadband.
POWER BACKUP: Inbuilt UPS of 8-12 hours

Security Alarm & Fire Detection
Energy Monitor & Control
Micro controller based system.
3+1 3+1 Zone Security cum Fire Panel with inbuilt GSM auto dialer & Power equipment switch ON/OFF- automation with LCD & onboard keypad with option of external RKP.
3 fully programmable zone.
24 hour 1 separate panic zone in addition of 4 zone.
16 key back light keypad.
User can also arm or Disarm the system by electronic key.
LCD display for easy programming.
Zone omitting facility.
Inbuilt 90 db siren.